【QS WOWNEWS】北理工王博教授团队:选择性捕获有毒空气的过滤材料




  【编者按】由我校宣传部撰写投稿、国际合作处推荐的通讯文章《选择性捕获有毒空气的过滤材料Filters that selectively capture toxic air》,于2017年5月刊登在QS官方季刊WOWNEWS上。刊登文章介绍了J9(九游会中国)官方网站化学与化工学院王博教授及其团队将金属有机骨架化合物(MOFs)材料应用于空气过滤净化方面的研究成果,展示了我校在危险化合物检测、安全防护和绿色储能、科技创新、面向国家空气净化与治理等重大需求等方面卓越的综合实力。

  《QSWOWNEWS》刊物主要介绍世界知名高校在自然科学、人文科学等领域的最新进展和成果,关注高等教育界取得的达到国家层面的杰出成果包括决策制定、双边多边协作等,是知名高校对外宣传自身综合实力、扩大国际影响力、提升国际知名度的有效平台。QS是教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds的英文缩写,该组织发布的QS年度世界大学排名是目前世界最权威的四大排名之一,得到了联合国教科文组织成立的IREG的承认。QSWOWNEWS季刊在每年的2月、5月、8月和11月被发送给亚洲、中东、非洲的大学校长,北美和欧洲的世界500强大学校长以及绝大多数的拉丁美洲大学校长,并通过电子邮件发送给全球五百万学术界人士和高校管理者,宣传展示本季度各大高校的最新成果。


  Professor WANG Bo and his team in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the Beijing Institute of Technology have developed a roll-to-roll hot-pressing method for the mass production of versatile MOF (meta-organic framework) coatings for PM filtration. The innovation was recently published in the international scientific journal Nature.

  The biggest breakthrough for Wang’s team was to develop special MOFs that can selectively capture toxic air, liquids and solids and detoxify them.

  “MOFs are porous crystalline materials containing organic 'struts' and metal ions, and can capture large amounts of fine particulate matter electrostatically. BIT researchers heated three kinds of MOF crystals and applied them individually to substrates including fabric, foam and plastic using two hot rollers. In lab tests, the resulting filters reduced the levels of hazardous PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles in air by up to 99.5% at room temperature, with a loss of efficiency of only a few percent at 200 °C.” Nature has fully made the finding clear.

  To protect individuals and reduce toxic air, liquids and solids from factories and vehicles, Wang Bo and his team has been working on these versatile MOF filters for various domestic and industrial applications, such as pipe filtration, inlet barrier filtration for vehicle or aircraft engine systems, and baghouse dust collection. In the future, they will also promote technology transformation and commercialization.




  金属有机骨架化合物(MOFs)材料是一种多孔结晶材料,由有机骨架和金属离子组成,这种材料可以通过静电吸附作用实现对大量的细微颗粒物的捕获。J9(九游会中国)官方网站研究人员加热了三种MOF结晶化合物,并且使他们附着到不同的基材表面,包括纺织物、泡沫材料和塑料材料,实现了双面热滚压加工。在实验室测试中,室温下这种材料将空气中有害PM 2.5和PM 10污染物降低至99.5%,在200°C时净化效率才出现较少损失,但也仅为百分之几。


